I had a need for an extra-extra long multi-cutter blade, so we made one in Hal9k. Until proven otherwise, we hereby claim it to be the world’s longest, at about 30 cm from rotation point to the cutting edge.
Converting Starlock-MAX to Starlock-Plus
Initially I thought I could get away with just a 80mm long Bosch MAIZ 32 APB which seems to be the longest commercially available. First problem was that my multi-cutter was only “Starlock-Plus” and this blade is Starlock-MAX. Turns out, you can easily get around that: just drill up the hole to 10mm, and it fits like a glove, at least on the Starlock-Plus Bosch GOP 18V-28.
World record time
But as it turns out, I needed more length, and anything worth doing is worth overkilling! So sacrificing an old worn-out blade by welding on some 2mm steel plate provided a good base that would still attach to the multi-cutter.
First attempt was just attaching the blade with two 2mm screws, as these are the largest that will fit in the star’s spikes and thereby prevent rotation. Initial testing:
So next solution was to beef up with a central 8mm bolt instead.
This worked much better if torqued enough (read: all you possibly can!), test-run went great after the initial oscillations:
And ultimately the cut in the tight corner was made, one-handedly in order to be able to film:
Great success!
This should not be considered safe, and several warranties were probably voided, but it got the job done.
Hal9k er Aalborgs hackerspace. Et åbent højteknologisk værksted, hvor man kan lave (næsten) alt. Udover en masse forskellige værksteder, oser Hal9k af viden, kreativitet og varmt socialt fælleskab.
Alle der kommer i vores lokaler risikerer at lære en masse, og ikke mindst få nogle gode oplevelser.
Der er fast klubaften hver torsdag fra kl. 19 til ud på aftenen, hvor alle er velkomne til at kigge forbi!
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