Reparation af Aduro-tronic II


25 mar
I have a Philips Hue gateway at home that is connected to a number of Philips Hue lights, as well as some IKEA trådfri light bulbs, and a couple of OSRAM Lightify light strips. Most of the time the network works quite well, but some of the time a few of the lights become unreachable. I read a rumor online that the Hue lights and the other lights are actually on two different Zigbee networks. Of course, if only I had a way of sniffing the Zigbee traffic I could diagnose these problems. And thus began this quest.
I started by buying a Zigbee sniffer, I found that the Texas Instruments CC2531 chip is widely used, and available in a cheap USB package. I purchased this USB CC2531 Zigbee sniffer, but others are probably equally good. After the dongle arrived I spent quite a while thinking that I need to replace the stock firmware, because of various old projects on GitHub (Sensniff, ccsniffpiper, etc.). Fortunately, you do not need to change the stock firmware. The best software package seems to be KillerBee which supports both sniffing and injection; however only sniffing with the CC2531. Installing KillerBee on Ubuntu is quite easy. You need to install scapy, and a few dependencies. The installation instructions are probably more up to date than this blog post.
Starting the sniffing is really easy, if you know the channel the Philips Hue is operating at. I think channel 11 is the default, but it is displayed in the Hue app, under info for the bridge:
sudo zbwireshark -c 11
This will launch a background process, and an instance of Wireshark that is monitoring the channel. At this point you can see the traffic; but everything is encrypted…
Zigbee traffic can be encrypted with AES-128, which is a symmetric encryption scheme. This means the key to encrypt and decrypt is the same. There is a number of keys that can be used to encrypt a single packet payload:
You can add these keys to Wireshark, and the Zigbee dissector will then try to decrypt traffic using them. Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> ZigBee and edit the pre-configured keys:
The Key-Transport Key is used whenever a new device joins the network with the sole purpose of encrypting the network key. So, to find the network key we need to know the Key-Transport Key, and observe the traffic when a device joins. So this is what I did: I found an IKEA Trådfri lightbulb and spent the frustrating time needed to get it to join the Philips Hue gateway (resetting the bulb, searching for new lights). Finally, it suceeded!
Now, by adding the transport key to the list of keys in Wireshark all the traffic on the network was able to be decrypted!
The next step will be to analyze the traffic, and understand the routing. Very initial probes using zigbee-viewer indicates that there is indeed three distinct routings:
01 feb
Vi har en fin moderne brændeovn derhjemme (en Aduro 1-2), som vi bruger ret intensivt til opvarmning af vores gamle stuehus. Et meget relevant spørgsmål er derfor: hvor meget bidrager sådan en moderne brændeovn til partikelforureningen i vores stue?
Partikelforurening er små partikler af støv og sod, der bl.a. fremkommer ved afbrænding af fossile brændsler, som olie og træ. De kan forårsage forskellige slags sundhedsproblemer, bl.a. kræft. På et interaktivt partikelkort kan man se hvilke niveauer der (beregnet) var i Danmark i 2012, og f.x. forskellen mellem land og by; årsgennemsnittet for PM2.5 lå på 5.3 – 11.9 μg/m3.
Det er et ganske egoistisk projekt jeg har gang i: jeg har ingen data for hvor stor partikelforureningen er udenfor huset, men kun inde i selve stuen. Der er en del kilder til partikelforurening som jeg kender til, eller har observeret:
For at undersøge det har jeg opsat en partikel sensor (en Honeywell HPMA-1150S0) i stuen, ca. 3 m fra brændeovnen. Samtidig registrerer jeg brændeovnens temperatur, via en Aduro Smart Response sensor. Dette har jeg nu gjort i lidt over et år, og kan dermed lave en data analyse på et års data.
Til brug for analysen er der registreret PM10 og PM2.5 værdier, ifølge databladet i μg/m3. Sensoren skulle desuden være “fully calibrated”, og kunne køre i mindst 20.000 timer, så et års data burde man kunne stole på. Usikkerheden er dog angivet til +/- 15 μg/m3, eller +/-15% alt efter målingen; i praksis virker den dog til at være ret stabil i værdierne. Sensoren beregner PM10 værdier ud fra PM2.5 værdier, så jeg vil primært fokusere på analyse af PM2.5 værdierne. Data er optaget med et interval på 5 minutter, men med sensor læsninger ca. hvert 6 sekund der så er aggregeret ved gennemsnit (Der er brugt HPMA-1150S0 sensorens “auto-send”).
Brændeovnens temperatur er målt som foreskrevet af Aduro Smart Response, dvs. i den øvre del af brændkammeret på vej mod røgrøret. Aduro sensoren sender data i ca. 4 timer. Jeg har defineret at brændeovnen er i brug, hvis temperaturen er registreret, dvs. afkøling også er talt med.
Vi bruger vores brændeovn en hel del i de kolde måneder. Faktisk helt op til halvdelen af tiden:
Det passer meget godt med at vi bruger brændeovnen næsten alt tid vi er hjemme, i de kolde måneder.
Vi tænder op efter forskrifterne og bedste evne; genindfyring sker typisk ved 175C eller 150C ved at lægge 2-3 stykker brænde ind, og åbne spjældet (der så ved Adurotronic lukker over ca. 6 minutter). Der er naturligvis stor variation i præcis hvornår der lige bliver genindfyret. Og en sjælden gang imellem glipper optændingen, og giver røg i stuen. Men generelt opleves fyringen som ganske uproblematisk.
Gennem året har jeg lavet lidt observationer, og min subjektive vurdering for partikelforureningen er ca.:
Som det kan ses er der en del variation imellem månederne. Der er også en hel del outliers, der trækker gennemsnittet op, mens medianen for alle måneder ligger under 5 μg/m3.
Mere interessant er det om partikelforureningen påvirkes af brændeovnens temperatur, og dermed dens brug. Det ser det bestemt ud til! Selvom median værdierne ikke stiger meget stiger specielt 3. kvartil. Gennemsnitsværdierne stiger også, helt op til 12.37 μg/m3 for intervallet [250, 300). En tolkning af dette kunne være at der normalt (median) ikke er ret meget mere partikelforurening, men det sker hyppigere at der er store koncentrationer til stede.
Det bør noteres at der ikke er særlig mange målinger over 350C, som det kan ses af histogrammet for hvilke brændeovnstemperaturer der er registreret:
Der er et par fejlkilder i målingerne:
PM2.5 | |
Årligt gennemsnit | 5.44 μg/m3 |
– Årligt gennemsnit, brændeovn i brug | 9.28 μg/m3 |
– Årligt gennemsnit, brændeovn ikke i brug | 4.49 μg/m3 |
Alle værdier er under EU’s grænseværdi, på 25 μg/m3 PM2.5. Hvis vi antager at målingerne mens brændeovnen ikke er i brug er repræsentative for hele året, så har brændeovnen bidraget med 0.95 μg/m3 PM2.5 til års gennemsnittet.
Et studie fra 2013 af sammenhængen mellem partikelforurening og lungekræft fandt (eftersigende, jeg har ikke adgang til artiklen men kun til resuméet på at selv små stigninger i partikelforurening giver øget risiko for lungekræft.
For småkornet luftforurening [PM2.5] stiger risikoen for lungekræft med 18 procent per fem ekstra mikrogram svævestøv, men det resultat var ikke statistisk signifikant. Det var alle resultaterne for risikostigning under det tilladte niveau heller ikke. Små mængder forurening øger faren for kræft
Hvis vi antager at det resultat holder, og at virkningen er lineær, vil den øgede forurening på 0.95 μg/m3 PM2.5 øge risikoen for lungekræft med 3.42%.
Et andet problem kunne være hvis enkeltstående tilfælde af høj luftforurening var specielt sundhedsskadeligt, som indikeret af at EU for PM10 også har en daglig grænseværdi (50 μg/m3), og et antal tilladte overskridelser per år (35). Der er 0 dage hvor den daglige PM10 grænseværdi har været overskredet. Jeg har alligevel analyseret de 35 dage med det højeste gennemsnit, og forsøgt at klassificere de årsager (primær og sekundære) til de høje værdier. Det har jeg gjort ved at kigge på brændeovnstemperaturen, strømforbruget, tidspunket på dagen, osv. Disse tal må derfor siges at være min subjektive vurdering.
Primær årsag | Sekundær årsag | |
Madlavning | 19 | 3 |
Baggrund | 11 | 1 |
Brændeovn | 3 | 15 |
Ukendt | 2 | 0 |
De primære årsager til høje målinger ser ud til at være madlaving og baggrund, mens brændeovnen bidrager til halvdelen af de høje dagsgennemsnit.
Vores moderne brændeovn bidrager med 0.95 μg/m3 PM2.5 til års gennemsnittet, og øger dermed vores risiko for lungekræft med 3.42%. Hvis vi f.x. flyttede til en større by som København ville vi opleve en væsentlig højere forøgelse til måske 10 μg/m3, ifølge modelberegningen, hvilket ville øge risikoen for lungekræft med 16%.
Hvis man ser på PM2.5 koncentrationer ifht. brændeovnens temperatur, ser det ud til at brændeovnen for det meste (målt på medianen) ikke udleder ret mange partikler, men bidrager til at høje forureningskoncentrationer optræder oftere (som set på de øgede gennemsnitsværdier, og forøgede 3. kvartil).
Brændeovnen bidrager til 18 af de 35 højeste dagsmålinger, mens de primære årsager til høje dagsmålinger er madlavning og baggrundsforurening.
29 sep
This is the considerations I did when building 1S80P 18650 battery packs, for a DIY powerwall.
My design will go for 14 of these packs in series, for a nominal 48V system.
I wanted a design that was:
The design is basically 4 4×5 18650 holders for the top and bottom. The cells I used were all tested for capacity (all above 2000 mAh) and self-discharge (all above 4,1V after several weeks/months), and are all Samsung cells. When assembling the packs I tried to mix the cells as much as possible: this should mean that on average the packs will be approximately the same capacity.
The packs have all the positive metal on the top, and the negative on the bottom. This means that any metal would have to touch both the top and the bottom, to short circuit the pack; this is not possible with a straight piece of metal. The connectors are going out on each side: if they went out the same side it would be possible to short-circuit them. Also, this will ensure that all the cells are discharged at the same rate: if they went out the same side the cells closest to the connectors would be loaded harder than the ones further away. This layout will not be a problem when they are put in series, they will just be alternating up-down. The busbars are shrink-wrapped on both ends, so only the connector is connected.
This means that the packs are impossible to short-circuit by themselves.
The packs are held together by 6 zip-ties: 2 at each end, and 2 in the middle. 5mm holes are drilled in the holders. The zip-ties go through the packs and around the busbars on each side.
The busbars are 4 wires of 2.5mm² wires, that are extracted from a standard AC cable. They are twisted together using a bench vise, and a cordless drill. They are then pre-bent using a template.
The connectors are 25mm² cable lugs. The two ends of the busbar go into the lug, meaning 8 wires of 2.5mm², or 20mm² in total. Depending on the exact calculations, this should be good up to 80A-160A. I intend to load the packs with at most 80A, and normally much less, so this should be fine.
The cells are connected to the busbars by fuse-wires. I used legs from 1/8W resistors, from a batch I tested beforehand. The resistor legs blows at 5A after some time, and in a few seconds at 6A. This should be well within spec, since the fuse-wires are mainly intended to isolate cells that go short-circuit: in this case the other 79 cells will be delivering current to the one bad cell, and the fuse wire should blow very quickly. This is another reason to not build too small packs: you need enough current available that the fuses will blow quickly.
The fuse wire is soldered to the cells, and soldered to the busbars. I used good lead-based solder, I tried crappier and lead-free solder but the results were poor. The positive side is soldered at about 340C, while the negative needs a bit more heat at 350C. For soldering to the busbars I go up to 380C, and move around in a circle since heat management is very much needed.
One concern I have heard from several people is that the cells are losing capacity by soldering. I did a test by soldering a few cells, and leaving a few control cells unsoldered. Then I capacity tested all the cells for a few cycles to check if any capacity is lost. I was unable to find any capacity loss on the soldered or unsoldered cells, so for me that is “myth busted”.
The packs are prepared for a future extension to 1s160P or similar. The holders are all oriented in the same way, and in such a way that 2 80P packs should be able to click together side by side:
Each pack (or set of 2 packs if expanded) will get one Batrium LongMon. It should be fully capable of balancing such a system.
If the hivemind has any ideas or things I missed, I’m very interested in hearing about it!
29 sep
Last week my A20-OLinuXino-LIME2 one board Linux computer quit working, with a power supply issue. I looked up when it was purchased, and realised it had been in 24/7 service for almost 4 years. I guess that is a good excuse to do a little review. It even turned out that it the board was fine, but the AC-DC power supply brick could not supply enough current anymore.
The relevant specifications of the board, for my uses, are basically:
The Lime2 has been tasked with running my home monitoring system, consisting of a Debian installation with a Graphite backend, a Grafana frontend, and a ZoneMinder installation. The Graphite database is running on a software RAID0 of two disks (one on SATA, one on USB): in the beginning it was two spinning disks, but after a few years the random 2.5″ laptop disk I was using crapped out, so it was upgraded to a Samsung SSD. The power budget is strained more or less to the max with two spinning harddrives: The system was only able to boot if the battery was connected, presumably because the voltage would otherwise drop for the startup torque. This problem went away after switching to a SSD.
Software wise the system started out with the Debian supplied by Olimex on a SD-card, a Debian pre-Jessie with a custom SunXi kernel. This system was reasonable, but did experience random hangs after some time of use (I belive I found a bugreport back in the day, but am unable to refind it now). The system was later upgraded to a Debian Stretch with a 4.9 kernel from stretch-backports, that supports the SunXi chipset enough for my uses. The upgrade was rather involved, requiring the correct kernel image, a custom U-boot script and the correct device tree file. Something did of course go wrong, at which point I got to be familiar with the serial console of the Lime2: there is a convenient 3 pin header, that gives access to a TTL serial. Using the serial console, I was able to identify the mistake and correct it. After the upgrade the system has been rock-stable.
The system has been handling the load reasonably: The 1GB of memory is constraining, there is not really any more free memory. The processor is only really strained by the motion detection in ZoneMinder, which uses more or less one core per camera. This will hopefully be optimized a bit, as ZoneMinder is being optimized for the ARM instruction set. Handling only the Graphite/Grafana load would be a breeze, even though the system is receiving ~650 metrics per minute.
All in all, I can recommend the Lime2 board for applications that need a little more umph than a Raspberry Pi, notably on the SATA and Ethernet side, and/or applications that need to be continuously available even after the power cuts out. For applications that need more than one SATA port, or more than one Ethernet port, or on-board Wifi, there are better — and more expensive — options. The price point of 45 EUR + VAT (which did not change from 4 years ago) puts the Lime2 slightly above the price of a RaspberryPi or BananaPi, but below boards like the Apu2. In addition, Olimex has announced that the Lime2 will be available “forever”, making any system designed using the Lime2 future proof — for the foreseeable future.
I ordered a new Lime2, before realising the problem was the power supply. I opted for the industrial variant that is now available. The only change, as far as I’m aware, is that the Allwinner A20 chip is rated for a larger temperature range, and it is 5 EUR more expensive.
31 jan